Fun & Witty Rhymes by JM Voors
Featured Rhyme of the Month

By JM Voors

There once was a knight
Sir Ian by name
Who knew how to fight
Was no stranger to fame
He was gallant and brave
He'd bested the best
The girls all loved lan
He completed evey quest
When the castle was quiet
And all were asleep
He would light a candle
Down the stairs he'd creep
You see Ian had a secret
He kept inside his heart
Late at night he'd sneak away
Late at night he would start
Down to the kitchen he'd go
And open his secret book
Silently mixing and stirring
You see lan loved to cook
Ian could cook anything
Soups or bread, vegetable and meat,
Making pastries for the children
Was a favorite treat
Ian always new when
It was time to go
The sky would lighten
And the cock would crow
Sneaking back to his room
He hid his recipe book
From the kitchen were cheers
For the mysterious cook
Ian fell asleep with a smile
At the good he had done
And knowing that he had
Saved himself a cinnamon bun
copywright 2023
JM Voors and Deborah Paswaters
All rights reserved